Thief™ 2: The Metal Age

£ 5.57

Thief™ II: The Metal Age gives you a chance to revisit the dark streets of the City, now ... Show more
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Thief™ II: The Metal Age gives you a chance to revisit the dark streets of the City, now changed by the Order of Mechanists, a new cult which has embraced many of the followers of the fallen religion of the Hammerites. In a world of steam robots and cameras Garrett will have to face a new opponent – Sheriff Gorman Truart, a lawman determined to rid the City of all criminals, starting with master-thief Garrett. Equipped with a new set of tools, including flash mines and scouting orbs, Garrett has to keep himself alive and unveil the secret behind Truart’s actions. Starts out looking as a simple case of corruption will eventually become much more, and Garrett again finds himself a reluctant savior–but that doesn’t mean he’s not going to rob the City blind while he saves it!

Are you the sneaky type? Do you have a problem with the concept of personal property (unless it’s your’s)? Do you feel that shadows are your best friends? Thief™ II: The Metal Age will provide you with hours of stealth and thievery, just the way you like it.

  • Complex AI that brought a whole new challenge to fighting computer-controlled opponents.
  • Assortment of weapons and gadgets at your disposal that encourages clever problem-solving and gameplay.
  • Enthralling plot combined with the award-winning “first person sneaker” gameplay from Thief™: The Dark Project.

Thief II The Metal Age© Square Enix Limited, 2000

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