Double Fine Adventure Definitive Edition

£ 5.66

IMDB rating: 8.6 Duration: 12 hours, 4 min. Available resolutions: 1080p Format: MP4 Di ... Show more
SKU: 1691391100 Category:


IMDB rating: 8.6
Duration: 12 hours, 4 min.
Available resolutions: 1080p
Format: MP4
Director: Paul Owens
In March 2012, video game legend Tim Schafer made history with the Double Fine Adventure Kickstarter, a crowdfunding campaign that changed the way games are created and funded forever.

For three years, a documentary crew captured the once-secretive process of video game development, chronicling the creation of “Broken Age” from a Kickstarter pitch to a finished game and beyond. Along the way, Schafer and his team at Double Fine persevered through production delays, internal strife, financial crises, looming deadlines, sickness, layoffs, and the weighty expectations of a critical public.

Now in a definitive remastered release, this landmark documentary series allows everyone to share in the passion, humor, and heartbreak of making “Broken Age”! Featuring twenty episodes plus two complete series commentaries by 2 Player and Double Fine, the Double Fine Adventure is the most in-depth look at video game development ever produced.


Significantly improved visual quality
Two sets of commentary tracks by 2 Player Productions and the team at Double Fine
Removal of spoiler blurs
English subtitles
Metadata for digital library integration

Additional information

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